# Nervous System --- The **nervous system** is an [[organ system]] made up of [[neural tissue]] that coordinates, processes and reacts to all the the information information that we sense, be it external or internal, perceptible or imperceptible. ## Anatomy The anatomical division of the nervous system is between the [[central nervous system]], or **CNS**, and the [[peripheral nervous system]] or **PNS**. The PNS receive signals from various receptors, and then sends those signals to the CNS for processing. Once done, the CNS sends "instructions" back the PNS to be enacted upon. ```mermaid flowchart TD A[The Nervous System] --> B[CNS] A --> C[PNS] B --> D[brain] B --> E[spinal cord] C --> F[motor neurons] C --> G[sensory neurons] F --> H[autonomic] F --> I[somatic] G --> H G --> I H --> J[sympathetic] H --> K[parasympathetic] ``` ## Physiology Another general division is between the [[afferent nervous system]] and the [[efferent nervous system]] of the PNS. The afferent, or sensory division *receives* information from receptors and the efferent, or motor division receives information from the CNS and sends those signals to effectors. There are many different organizations of systems; some function independently, and some interact with other systems closely. Some sections of nervous system are completely separate, their own ecosystem, disconnected from the rest. These are exclusively %%I think%% part of the autonomic nervous system. - the [[enteric nervous system]] runs along the GI tract and regulates those functions. ## Problems with the Nervous System - Signs and symptoms that indicate a problem with the nervous system tend to be... [[neurological assessment]] - pain - seizures - dizziness/vertigo - visual disturbances - muscle weakness - abnormal sensation ___